Rodina 1.1.7 – Cockpit Mode and Optimizations – is Live!

Thanks to the help of all the beta testers, Rodina is faster and more stable than ever! This update finally allows you to control your ship in first person from the pilots chair!

(Press F (or whatever your “Activate” key is) while piloting the ship in order to bring up the piloting menu, which will allow you to toggle first person mode.)

It also comes with some significant optimizations, including some new options: Retro Mode, and Lighting Quality, which can drastically improve performance for those with very low-spec machines. Here are some examples of what Retro Mode looks like:

RetroStart RetroSunset

I’m not going to lie – I’m not stupid enough to do this, but there was a brief moment when I considered making Retro Mode the default way to play the game. It’s a gimmick but I like it a lot!

Read on for the full patch notes:

RODINA 1.1.7

* New Feature: Retro Mode!
* New Feature: Lighting Quality option
* New Feature: EnableGodMode() script function
* New Feature: FXAA Antialiasing (sorry- had to remove MSAA for now)
* New Feature: Freelook button (ALT) for looking around while piloting the ship
* Optimization: Added frustum culling
* Optimization: Added planet horizon culling
* Optimization: Move processing from pixel shader to vertex shader
* Improvement: Switched back to 1 3D ship model (+1 optional physics model). No more flying vs parked versions.
* Improvement: Flashlight tutorial stage
* Improvement: Activate jetpack when pressing the “down” (CTRL) button while in mid-air
* Improvement: Make fires slightly easier
* Bugfix: Turn off portals when the ship door is open
* Bugfix: Fix problem with swapping mouse buttons
* Bugfix: Fix doors which can lead to the void between interior and ship
* Bugfix: Fix tutorial messages fighting with the notification system
* Bugfix: Fix angles wall physics
* Bugfix: Fix discrepency with the entity scheduling
* Bugfix: Fix broken arrow/page keys for scrolling in menus

RODINA 1.1.6

* New Feature: Cockpit Mode
* New Feature: Holoscreen windows + tileset
* New Feature: Sitting in chairs
* New Feature: EGHealPlayer() script function
* Improvement: Keep shader cache files loaded so we don’t need to access HDD to recompile shaders
* Improvement: Poll planet height render textures form the render thread rather than generation thread
* Bugfix: Fixed clicking outside of the bounds of a scrolling window